Domestic Violence Lawyers in Trenton, NJ
Helping Victims of Family or Household Abuse
Throughout Mercer County, NJ
Unfortunately, domestic violence occurs all too often in homes throughout this country. This type of violence can include a wide range of aggressive behaviors, from simple assault to other acts of physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual abuse as well as threats of such abuse. It can include intimidation, financial control, harassment, stalking, and more. It consists of behaviors that can occur to anyone regardless of their background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, educational or financial level, or any other personal factor.
If you have suffered any type of domestic violence behavior from a family or household member or dating partner, you can get legal help to protect yourself and your children. At Davé Law Firm, our Trenton domestic violence attorneys can help you obtain a restraining order from the courts. We are here to vigorously defend your rights to safety and wellbeing from any type of domestic abuse. We can also defend those in criminal cases who have been wrongfully accused of such abuse.

Domestic Violence in New Jersey
Domestic violence is described under The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act in New Jersey.
Under this Act, domestic violence includes:
- Homicide
- Assault
- Terroristic threats
- Kidnapping
- Criminal restraint
- False imprisonment
- Sexual assault
- Criminal sexual contact
- Lewdness
- Criminal mischief
- Burglary
- Criminal trespass
- Harassment
- Stalking
- Criminal coercion
- Robbery
- Contempt of a domestic violence order
- Any crime involving the risk death or serious bodily injury
- Cyber harassment
Individuals who suffer any of the above crimes in a domestic relationship have the legal right to request a restraining order from the court. These orders direct the abuser to stop any further violent actions, to vacate the residence he or she shares with you, directs the abuser to stay away from you, bars any contact with you whether by phone, text, email, or letter, and can prohibit him or her from contacting your children. It can also prohibit the abuser from possessing a gun, order temporary child support, order restitution for any medical expenses resulting from injuries you suffered by the domestic violence, and provide temporary custody of shared children to you.
These restraining orders can be issued on a temporary or permanent basis once a hearing has been conducted in court.
If you need legal representation in a domestic violence case anywhere in the state of New Jersey, get the advocacy you need by contacting Davé Law Firm as soon as possible
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Full-Service Law Firm
Whether you were injured, unjustly charged, or in the middle of a legal family matter, our team of attorneys has the skills and resources to protect your rights and defend your future.
Small-Firm Dedication & Focus, Large-Firm Results
When you work with our firm, you get the one-on-one treatment expected at a small firm, with the results expected from a larger firm. You work directly with your dedicated attorney from start to finish.
Knowledgeable & Experienced Counsel
With over 80,000 combined cases handled, our accomplished attorneys have the skill, knowledge, and dedication to fight for you and your rights.
Innovative Legal Strategies
Our mission is to provide our clients with a network of innovative legal solutions tailored to their unique case, excellent legal representation, and a dedication to quality customer service.